Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 7/31/24

Year: 2024
Asst. Prof. Dr. Arif YILDIZ MALATYA TURGUT ÖZAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-5149-0447
International Corporation, Integrated Marketing Communication, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Pricing, Service Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Management, Advertisement, Sales Management, Agricultural Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Consumer-Oriented Product or Service Development, Product and Brand Management, Marketing (Other), Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazım KILINÇ Batman Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. İşletme Bölümü 0000-0003-4154-5245
Communication and Media Studies, Digital Marketing, Service Marketing, Marketing Communications, Consumer Behaviour
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Meriç YAZICI İSTANBUL GELİŞİM ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-6769-2599
Information Systems Organisation and Management, Decision Support and Group Support Systems
Decision Making, Consumer Behaviour, Personality and Individual Differences
Development Economics - Macro
Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Product and Brand Management, International Marketing, Marketing Communications, Customer Relationship Management, Digital Marketing
Political Science, Political Theory and Political Philosophy, Intellectual History of Politics
Tourism Sociology, Tourism History, Tourism, Tourism Policy, Tourism Economics
Dr. Harun Reşit GÜNDOĞAN It is not affiliated with an institution
Tourism Management
Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour, Information Systems Organisation and Management, Management Information Systems, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability, Social Work, Commercial Law, International Trade
Asst. Prof. Dr. Meral BEKTAŞ Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi 0000-0002-1616-8065
Asst. Prof. Dr. Metin KETBOĞA Malatya Turgut Özal Üniversitesi
International Logistics, International Trade, International Corporation, International Finance
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay KIZILKAYA Malatya Turgut Özal Üniversitesi
Econometrics, Time-Series Analysis, Panel Data Analysis, Applied Macroeconometrics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar ERKAL Balıkesir Üniversitesi Balıkesir MYO 0000-0003-4698-8475
Entrepreneurship, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resources Management, Leadership
Logistics, Marketing Management

R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal; It is a social sciences journal that started its publication life in 2018, aiming to contribute to these fields by publishing scientific studies within the scope of publication. It claims to be one of the leading publications in the academic community with its permanence without sacrificing quality and trust. It wishes to have a structure that appeals to the national and international public, presents new ideas and expansions, can be a reference at all levels, from decision-makers and practitioners, and to become widespread.

R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal, Behavioral Sciences, Industrial Relations and Labor, Public Relations, Economics, Communications, Business Administration, Public Administration, Political Sciences, International Relations, Operations Research and Management Science, which is part of the National, Peer-reviewed, Social and Human Sciences. on the subjects; It is a journal that publishes scientific studies such as Conference Papers, Research Articles, Reviews, Translations, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, Review Articles, Theoretical Articles, and Short Papers.

It will continue its publication life as an INTERNATIONAL journal as of January 2022 (Volume: 5 - Issue: 1).

Care should be taken to present the articles as follows:

1. Those who want to send a work to be published in R&S Journal should send their articles via

2. At the beginning of the original articles submitted to the R&S Journal for publication, there should be a minimum of 100, a maximum of 200 words in Turkish (Abstract), English (Abstract) and 3-5 words in Turkish (Keywords), English (Keywords) and Turkish and English. the title should be included.

3. APA system should be used for citations in articles.

4. At the end of the text, a list of the sources used in the study is given under the title REFERENCES. This bibliography, which lists the references used in the study, is prepared in alphabetical order according to the author's surname order.

5. The page layout of the manuscripts to be added to the system must be made by the author and in accordance with the following values:
Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Horizontal pages should not be included in the article)
Top Margin: 2 cm
Bottom Margin: 1.75 cm
Left Margin: 2 cm
Right Margin: 2 cm
Font Type: Cambria
Font Size: 14 for title, 11 for text, 10 for abstracts and 9 for footnotes.
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt before - 6 pt after, In abstracts: 0 pt before - 0 pt after
Line Spacing: Single

6. In the text of the article, there should be no paragraph heading, paragraph breaks should be made clear with 1 line (Before: 6nk After: 6nk) space (Paragraph-Indents and Spaces in Office, December-Before-6; After-6 pt).

7. Section Titles: Main, intermediate and sub titles can be used in the article to provide a regular information transfer; Headings should not be numbered.

8. Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and titles. Tables should be in the places where they should be in the text. Figures should be prepared in accordance with color printing. Figure numbers and names should be written just below the figure centered.

9. Pictures: They should be given in their places in the text, in high resolution, scanned in print quality. The rules in figures and tables must be followed in naming pictures.

10. Manuscripts that do not comply with the Publishing Principles of R&S Magazine in any respect will not be evaluated.



Writing Forms for Single Author Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book, Place of Publication, City.

Odabasi, Y. (2004). Postmodern Marketing, Mediacat Books, Istanbul.

Writing Forms for Books with Two Authors in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book, Place of Publication, City.

Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2008). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.

Writing Forms for Books with Three or More Authors in References

Surname, First Letter of Name; Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book, Place of Publication, City.

Beck, C.A.J .; Sales, B.D., Walter, M.D. & Heynes, A.P. (2002). Managing Diversity in the Classroom, New Age Printing, Washington DC.

Writing Forms for Translated Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). Name of the Book (Translation / Prep.), Place of Publication, City.

Pearson, C.S. (2003). The Hero Within Us (Trans.: Semra Ayanbaşı), Akaşa Publications, Istanbul.

Writing Forms for Edited Books in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (Year of Publication). “Section Name” (Ed. Editor's Name and Surname), Name of the Book, pp. Page Range, Place of Publication, City.

Karluk, S.R. (2005). "Will Cyprus's EU Membership Divide the EU?" (Ed. Oğuz Kaymakçı), Notes on the European Union, ss. 263-287, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.

Writing Forms for Books with Unspecified Authors in References

Name of the Work, (Year of Publication), Place of Publication.

Spelling Guide, (2000), Turkish Language Association Publications, Ankara.


Writing Forms for Articles with a Single Author in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (History). “Name of the Article”, Name of the Journal in which it is Published, Volume (Number): Page Range.

Sipahi, E. (2017). “Local E-Government 2.0: Social Media and Corporate Transparency in Municipalities”, International Journal of Academic Value Studies (JAVSTUDIES), 3 (12): 354-366.

Writing Forms for Articles with Two Authors in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (History). “Title of Article”, Journal Name Published, Year (Issue): Page Range.

Kıngır, S. & Mesci, M. (2007). “Learning Organizations”, Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (19): 19-27.

Writing Forms for Articles with Three or More Authors in References

Surname, First Letter of Name; Surname, First Letter of Name. & Surname, First Letter of Name. (History). “Title of the Article”, Journal Name of the Publication, Year (Number): Page Range.

Fettahlıoğlu, S .; Yıldız, A. & Birin, C. (2009). ‘Hedonic Consumption Behaviors: A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Demographic Factors on Hedonic Shopping Behaviors of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University and Adıyaman University Students”, International Journal of Social Science (JASSS), 2014 (27): 307-331.


Writing Forms for Thesis or Projects in References

Surname, First Letter of Name. (History). "Thesis Name", Thesis type, University / Institute, Ş


1. R&S (Research Studies Anatolia Journal) is a national, refereed, indexed e-journal and is published 4 issues (January, April, July, October) a year. Special or additional issues can be published when necessary.

2. R&S is a journal that publishes studies on Behavioral Sciences, Industrial Relations and Labor, Public Relations, Economics, Communication, Business, Public Administration, Political Sciences, International Relations, Operations Research and Management Science in the main field of Social and Human Sciences. Publishes only texts related to original scientific articles. In addition, congress and symposium papers can be published as article work, provided that the place, meeting and date of the presentation are recorded and not published elsewhere. However, the responsibility of any problem likely to arise from this publication activity belongs to the author.

3. The articles submitted to the R&S Journal should not have been published in any media before and when added to the system, another publication should not be in the publication evaluation process.

4. Adding any article to the R&S Journal electronic system is accepted as an application for the publication of the article and the evaluation process of the article begins.

5. All transactions, from the submission of the application to the publication of the article, are carried out electronically.

6. The printing and publication rights of the articles sent to R&S Journal for publication are transferred to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced or used without reference to any other publication without the permission of the journal management. R&S Journal can publish the texts it has published in various media.

7. Although the publication language of the R&S Journal is Turkish, the articles in English are also evaluated and published if deemed appropriate by the referees.

Submission/application of articles to R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal is paid. A fee of 235 TL/50 USD is charged for the uploaded articles to be deposited into the design company account. The article submission fee is requested during the application and regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition. Refunds are not made for rejected articles. If your article is accepted by our referees, you will not be charged any additional fees for publication.
This fee is paid before the start of the referee process, according to the information message sent by the journal after the article is uploaded to the system by the author. After the publication fee is paid, the receipts from the authors are sent to the design company by the journal management and the referee process of the study is started. After the fee is paid, the articles should first be evaluated in terms of purpose, scope, shape, content, contribution to the literature, etc. It is evaluated by the editor(s) from different aspects and it is decided whether or not it will be included in the referee evaluation process.

R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal